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Basic Care For Your Parrot.

Safety Tips for your Parrot


  1. ​Do not feed your bird food from your mouth. Humans have lots of germs in their which is full of bacteria and the germs from a human mouth can build up in your bird (where they do not belong) and make your bird very sick. Birds were designed to regurgitate to feed one another; humans aren’t birds and we should not mimic this behavior as we are putting our birds at risk.

  2. Never let your parrot play outside of his cage unsupervised. Parrots are every curious and will chew on everything they come across. I have heard so many sad stories from people all around the world. There are many dangers around your home, apply the same safety measures you would for your children. Keep cleaning products and pesticides locked away.Do not use insect spray in the same room as your parrot.

  3. When cooking with a Teflon lined pots and pans be very careful as it gives off a very poisonous unseen gas when the pot or pan overheats this has the potential to kill your parrot in a matter of minutes.B

  4. Do not feed your bird chocolate, avocado, raw meat, spoiled food, alcohol or coffee. These items are poisonous for your parrot.

  5. Remove your parrot from any place that has bees. 

  6. Keep your parrot out of the summer sun. Heat is extremely dangerous for your parrot. When your parrot's wings are droopy and it starts to pant give your parrot a nice cool shower to cool down.

Breeders and suppliers of hand raised parrots, Cape Town
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